3 Habits That Lead To Having A Dirty Kitchen

The idea of doing dishes doesn’t sound fun at all because it’s not. It’s tiresome and time-consuming. However, lines of thinking such as this make it very easy for you to make a mess out of your kitchen and your IN home.

Half of the battle is your mindset when it comes to cleaning the kitchen. You need to actively make an effort to keep your cooking space safe and hygienic. But sometimes, we end up doing things that counter those efforts. Read on to learn about three bad habits we fall into that lead to us having a dirty kitchen.

Allowing Dirty Dishes To Pile Up “For Later”

As much as many of us dislike washing up after enjoying a meal, doing so is absolutely necessary in order to maintain a hygienic kitchen. Dirty dishes, when left out long enough, will eventually (or even immediately) attract pests such as roaches, mice, and ants that will eat the remaining food scraps and crumbs. Pests carry harmful bacteria that you absolutely do not want anywhere near your kitchen.

See to it that you do the dishes as soon as you’re done eating. If you’re not a fan of the task, consider investing in a dishwasher or using fewer plates and utensils whenever possible. Remember, your future self will deeply regret having to clean days’ worth of dirty dishes instead of washing only a few after every meal.

Ignoring Small Spills And Crumbs

It’s plain and simple: if you spilled anything, clean it up at once. Whether you spilled a bit of soup on your way to the dining table or left a bit of sugar on the countertop while making your morning coffee, those substances will attract pests to your kitchen later on.

In addition, small spills will eventually rot and begin to stink up or even deteriorate your furniture. An unhygienic kitchen can cause a wide variety of food safety hazards, so make sure to clean up after yourself as often as you can.

Using Dirty Or Moldy Sponges And Rags

Sponges and kitchen rags make for excellent breeding grounds for different types of harmful bacteria such as salmonella, e-coli, and hepatitis. No matter how much dish soap you use to clean with those sponges, the bacteria will transfer to whatever surface they touch. That doesn’t sound very appetizing, does it?

You can avoid that by regularly changing kitchen sponges and rags every 1-2 weeks. When they’re sanitized properly, dish sponges and kitchen rags can last up to a month.

Developing good cleaning habits and avoiding the bad ones like the three we’ve listed above is a good first step to minimizing the messes you make in the kitchen. If you have to repeatedly remind yourself that you should avoid those bad habits and preserve the cleanliness of your IN home, you are free to do so.

Do you need help in cleaning the kitchen or any part of your Lafayette home? Hire a professional cleaning service provider today to get the job done right away. Don’t leave your kitchen in a state of neglect. Keep everything neat and tidy for a happier, healthier home.